Thursday 8 September 2016


CAIRN INDIA WINS QCI - D.L. SHAH NATIONAL QUALITY GOLD AWARD The Quality Council of India (QCI) conferred the prestigious DL Shah Gold Award onCairn India at the 11th National Quality Conclave Cairn India’s Mangala enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project for‘Turnaround of Complex Quality Issues in Tankages by Applying Integrated Quality Management Approach in Barmer, Rajasthan’ has won this year’s prestigious Quality Council of India- DL Shah Gold Award. The QCI-DL Shah Quality Awards have been instituted with a view to promote awareness that performance improvement through quality initiatives is an important element for gaining a competitive edge. The award was received by Deepak Agrawal - Director Technical Integration &ExCo, Technical Function Group - Technical Function Group, Paresh Ravindranath Katvi - DGM - QA/QC, RJ Project – Projects, Anirban Ghosh - DGM - Quality Assurance, AHSE - HSEQ - Quality Assurance, Krishna UmeshNaik - Sr. Manager - QA/QC, RJ Project - Projects on behalf of the company at the 11thNational Quality Conclave held recently at New Delhi. Speaking about the award, Mr Sudhir Mathur, acting CEO of Cairn India Limited said that the company is proud that QCI has recognized Cairn India’s leadership in adopting a suite of new technologieswhich are innovative and have demonstrated positive impact on complex quality issues in tankages in Barmer, Rajasthan. Winning this prestigious national award by competing successfully across multiple industries is a true testimony of the indomitable ‘Can do’ spirit at Cairn and the hard work and commitment of its employees. It also signifies the maturity of the Quality function at Cairn. The Quality Council of India is an autonomous body setup by the Government of India to lead nationwide quality movement in India by involving all stakeholders for emphasis on adherence to quality standards across all sectors and industry verticals. The QCI-DL Shah Awards process included initial scrutiny by award jury followed by presentation of project in front of jury by the project team and on-site assessment of the project. CAIRN INDIA’S EOR PROGRAM Cairn India’s ambitious EOR program in Rajasthan block is one of the largest in the world. The project is being implemented over the Mangala, Bhagyam and Aishwariya (MBA) oil fields to help arrest natural decline and maintain production. Cairn India launched the first polymer injection at Mangala in 2014. By end of FY2015, the company had ramp up its polymer injection rate and completed the Mangala Alkaline Surfactant Polymer (ASP) pilot successfully. The Mangala EOR contributed an average of 42,000 barrels of additional oil per day (bopd) during the last quarter. Excellent performance by Mangala EOR and encouraging upside from Aishwariya infill program have continued to assert the potential of Cairn India’s Rajasthan block. The term itself stands for a set of special techniques that increase the amount of crude oil that can be extracted from a field, over and above conventional primary depletion or basic water flooding which typically recovers 20-40% of the stock tank oil initially in place (STOIIP). Using typical EOR methods, an additional 10-20% of STOIIP can be extracted from a field. The importance of EOR for the Mangala field (and subsequently for Bhagyam and Aishwariya) was realized soon after its discovery in 2004. The field is expected to produce around 35% of STOIIP over 30 years of conventional water flood operations. Successful completion of ASP pilot would open ways to further improve the recovery. The MBA field with 2.2 billion barrels of hydrocarbons in place, are the key pillars of the company’s strong fundamentals in the region. Cairn India has a portfolio of eight blocks – one block in Rajasthan, two on the west coast, four on the east coast of India, and one in South Africa. Oil and gas is currently being produced from Barmer, Ravva and Cambay. The Mangala field discovered in January 2004, is the largest onshore oil discovery in India in more than two decades. For further information, contact: PR24x7 Network Limited Atul Malikram 9755020247

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